Type(s) |
[2919] Σὺ Χριστὲ μου τέθηκας ἀρχὴν καὶ τέλος
(1 verse)
Text source |
Text status |
Text completely known |
Date |
1332 |
Manuscript |
ISTANBUL - Patriarchike Bibliotheke - Panaghia 44 [1326-1350]
Place in Manuscript |
f. 311v |
Person(s) |
- Scribe
Basileios Perderias (14th c.) - RGK: II.51 - VGH: 55.E (hierodiakonos, nomikos)
Palaeographical information |
Written in red ink. |
Contextual information |
The verse is preceded by one more epigram, inc. 'τῷ δακτυλογράψαντι, τῷ τὸ κτομένῳ'. |
Metre(s) |
Genre(s) |
Scribe-related epigram
Image source(s) |
Kouroupou2008 plate 68
Bibliography |
F. Euangelatou-Notara, 2000, Χορηγοί-κτήτορες-δωρητές σε σημειώματα κωδίκων. Παλαιολόγειοι χρόνοι, Athens: 226
Metropolites Athenagoras 1933, Περιγραφικὸς κατάλογος τῶν χειρογράφων τῆς ἐν τῇ νήσῳ Χάλκῃ Ἱερᾶς Μονῆς τῆς Παναγίας, Ἐπετηρὶς Ἑταιρείας Βυζαντινῶν Σπουδῶν (EEBS), 10, 236-292: 285
M. Rizou-Kouroupou, P. Géhin 2001, Nouveaux documents chypriotes, Revue des Études Byzantines, 59, 147-164: 155
M. Rizou-Kouroupou, P. Géhin, 2008, Catalogue des manuscrits conservés dans la Bibliothèque du Patriarcat Oecuménique, Les manuscrits du monastère de la Panaghia de Chalki. Notices descriptives (vol. 1), Turnhout: 161
Number of verses |
1 |
Related occurrence(s) |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.
Permalink |
https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/20558 |