Occurrence 20026
(formerly occ/3650)

ἀρχὴ σὺν θ(ε)ῷ τῆς δευτέρας πυκτίδος
Type(s) [3991] Ἀρχὴ σὺν Θεῷ τῆς δευτέρας πυκτίδος (1 verse)
Text source T. Moschonas, 1965, Πατριαρχεῖον Ἀλεξανδρείας. Κατάλογοι τῆς Πατριαρχικῆς Βιβλιοθήκης. Χειρόγραφα (vol. 1), Salt Lake City: 73
Text status Text completely known
Date 14th c.
Manuscript ALEXANDRIA - Bibliotheke tou Patriarcheiou 106 [14th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 1r
Beniamin (14th c.) - VGH: 59.B - PLP: II.2614 (hieromonachos)
Contextual information The epigram is followed by an ending in prose, which makes the metrical status as a whole quite doubtful: 'ἤγουν τοῦ πλαγίου α''.
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Text-related epigram
Number of verses 1

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/20026
Last modified: 2014-03-27.