Occurrence 18800
(formerly occ/2191)

[τῶν φαιδροτά]των καὶ σοφῶν μελισμάτων
τοῦ [τῆς Δ]αμασκοῦ πατρὸς ἀσματογράφου
[β]ίβλος [ἱερὰ συν]τεθῆσα κοσμίως :
τὴν ὀκταῆχον ἔν [ἄσμασιν ...]
Type(s) [3056] τῶν φαιδροτάτων καὶ σοφῶν μελισμάτων (5 verses)
Text source S. Rossi 1904, Catalogo dei codici greci dell'antico Monastero del SS. Salvatore che si conservano nella Biblioteca Universitaria di Messina, Archivio storico messinese, 5(1-2), 127-149: 148
Text status Text completely known
Date 12th c.
Manuscript MESSINA - Biblioteca Universitaria - S. Salv. 143 [12th c.]
Place in Manuscript f. 1r
Contextual information The end of the poem appears to be difficult to read. The epigram is followed by στιχηρὰ ἀναστάσιμα τῷ Σαββάτῳ ἑσπέρας
Metre(s) Dodecasyllable
Genre(s) Text-related epigram
Comment 2 τῆς Δαμασκοῦ | <Δ>αμασκηνοῦ Mancini
Number of verses 5

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Permalink https://www.dbbe.ugent.be/occurrences/18800
Last modified: 2014-09-30.