THESSALONIKI - Mone Blatadon 5

Content Theologica   > John Chrysostom (saint)   (person page)
Anthimos (15th c.) - VGH: 32.A - PLP: I.992
Date 1445
Origin the Monastery of Great Lavra < Athos < Greece
Bibliography S. Eustratiades 1918, Κατάλογος τῶν ἐν τῇ μονῇ τῶν Βλατέων ἀποκειμένων κωδίκων, Γρηγόριος ὁ Παλαμᾶς, 2, 97-107: 104
Identification Diktyon (Pinakes), 63140
Occurrences (gen.) Beginning of manuscript [18887] Πόνοις μελίσσης ἐγγλυκαίνεται φάρυγξ [1445]

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Last modified: 2019-06-17.