Book Chapter
In the Presence of the Text: A Note on Writing, Speaking and Performing in the Theodore Psalter
Person(s) |
Book | L. James (ed.), 2007, Art and Text in Byzantine Culture, Cambridge; New York |
Pages | 83-99 |
Occurrence(s) | [24299] αἰνῶ σε σ(ῶτ)ερ τερματίσας τὴν βίβλο(ν) (bibliography) |
Type(s) | [6327] Αἰνῶ σε, σῶτερ, τερματίσας τὴν βίβλον (bibliography) |
Translation(s) of type(s) | [6327] Αἰνῶ σε, σῶτερ, τερματίσας τὴν βίβλον (bibliography) |
Last modified: 2019-05-20.