PersonAnnemarie Weyl Carr Name Annemarie Weyl Carr Identification Article(s) As Author: A. Cutler, A. Weyl Carr 1976, The Psalter Benaki 34.3. An unpublished illuminated manuscript from the family 2400, Revue des Études Byzantines, 34, 281-324 A. Weyl Carr 1981, A Note on Theodore Hagiopetrites, Scriptorium, 35(2), 287-290 A. Weyl Carr 1982, A Group of Provincial Manuscripts from the Twelfth Century, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 36, 39-81 A. Weyl Carr 1982, Gospel Frontispieces from the Comnenian Period, Gesta, 21(1), 3-20 Book(s) As Author: A. Weyl Carr, 1987, Byzantine illumination, 1150-1250: the study of a provincial tradition, Chicago; London: Book chapter(s) As Author: A. Weyl Carr 1991, Thoughts on the production of provincial illuminated books in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, in G. Cavallo, G. De Gregorio, M. Maniaci (eds.), Scritture, libri e testi nelle aree provinciali di Bisanzio. Atti del Seminario di Erice (18-25 settembre 1988) (vol. 2), Spoleto, 661-688 A. Weyl Carr 2022, Athens, Benaki Museum, Vitr. 34.3, in F. Spingou (ed.), The Visual Culture of Later Byzantium (vol. 2), Cambridge / New York, 1424-1428 Last modified: 2020-09-21. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.