PersonAndreas Rhoby Name Andreas Rhoby Identification Article(s) As Author: A. Rhoby 2015, Labeling Poetry in the Middle and Late Byzantine Period, Byzantion, 85, 259-283 Book(s) As Author: A. Paul, A. Rhoby, 2019, Konstantinos Manasses. Verschronik, Stuttgart A. Rhoby, 2009, Byzantinische Epigramme auf Fresken und Mosaiken, Wien A. Rhoby, 2010, Byzantinische Epigramme auf Ikonen und Objekten der Kleinkunst, Vienna A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften, Wien As Editor: E. Schiffer, A. Rhoby (eds.), 2010, Imitatio - Aemulatio – Variatio. Akten des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Symposions zur byzantinischen Sprache und Literatur, Wien A. Rhoby, N. Zagklas (eds.), 2018, Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry. Texts and Contexts, Turnhout A. Rhoby, N. Zagklas, W. Hörandner (eds.), 2019, A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, Leiden Book chapter(s) As Author: A. Rhoby 2010, The structure of inscriptional dedicatory epigrams in Byzantium, in C. Burini De Lorenzi, M. De Gaetano (eds.), La poesia tardoantica e medievale: IV Convegno internazionale di studi, Perugia, 15- 17 novembre 2007: atti in onore di Antonino Isola per il 70o genetliaco, Alessandria, 309-332 A. Rhoby 2012, The meaning of inscriptions for the early and middle byzantine culture. Remarks on the interaction of world image and beholder., in Scrivere e leggere nell’ alto medioevo. Spoleto, 28 aprile – 4 maggio 2011. Settimane di studio della fondazione centro Italiano di studi dull’alto medioevo, Spoleto, 731-757 A. Rhoby 2015, Inscriptions and Manuscripts in Byzantium: A Fruitful Symbiosis?, in M. Maniaci, P. Orsini (eds.), Scrittura epigrafica e scrittura libraria: fra Oriente e Occidente, Cassino, 15-44 A. Rhoby 2018, The Poetry of Theodore Balsamon: Form and Function, in N. Zagklas, A. Rhoby (eds.), Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry. Texts and Contexts, Turnhout, 111-145 A. Rhoby 2019, Poetry on Commission in Late Byzantium (13th-15th Century), in W. Hörandner, A. Rhoby, N. Zagklas (eds.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, Leiden, 264-304 A. Rhoby 2020, Interpunktionszeichen in byzantinischen Versinschriften, in C. Brockmann, D. Harlfinger, D. Deckers, S. Valente (eds.), Griechisch-byzantinische Handschriftenforschung. Traditionen, Entwicklungen, neue Wege (vol. 1), Berlin/Boston, 293-302 A. Rhoby 2020, Inscriptions and the Byzantine Beholder, in M. Lauxtermann, I. Toth (eds.), Inscribing Texts in Byzantium: Continuities and Transformations, Abingdon, 107-121 display 4 more book Chapters (7 in total) hide 4 book Chapters (7 in total) Last modified: 2020-09-21. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.