PersonMarc De Groote Name Marc De Groote Identification Article(s) As Author: K. Bentein, F. Bernard, M. De Groote, K. Demoen 2009, Book Epigrams in Honor of the Church Fathers: Some Inedita from the Eleventh Century, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (GRBS), 49(2), 281-294 K. Bentein, F. Bernard, K. Demoen, M. De Groote 2010, New Testament Book Epigrams, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 103(1), 13-23 M. De Groote 1995, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung des Oecumenlus-Kommentars zur Apokalypse, Sacris Erudiri, 35, 5-29 M. De Groote 2002, The Paraphrasis of Joannes Geometres' Metaphrasis of the Odes, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (GRBS), 43, 276-295 M. De Groote 2004, Joannes Geometres’ Metaphrasis of the Odes: Critical Edition, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (GRBS), 44, 375-410 M. De Groote 2007, The manuscript tradition of John Geometres' Metaphrasis of the Odes, Revue d'histoire des textes, 2, 1-19 display 3 more articles (6 in total) hide 3 articles (6 in total) Book(s) As Author: M. De Groote, 2012, Christophori Mitylenaii Versuum Variorum Collectio Cryptensis, Turnhout Last modified: 2020-09-21. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.