PersonKlaas Bentein Name Klaas Bentein Identification Article(s) As Author: K. Bentein, F. Bernard, M. De Groote, K. Demoen 2009, Book Epigrams in Honor of the Church Fathers: Some Inedita from the Eleventh Century, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies (GRBS), 49(2), 281-294 K. Bentein, F. Bernard, K. Demoen, M. De Groote 2010, New Testament Book Epigrams, Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 103(1), 13-23 K. Bentein, F. Bernard 2011, A Cycle of Book Epigrams in Honour of the Four Evangelists., Scriptorium, 65, 237-249 R. Ricceri, K. Bentein, F. Bernard, A. Bronselaer, E. De Paermentier, P. De Potter, G. De Tré, I. De Vos, M. Deforche, K. Demoen, E. Lefever, A. Rouckhout, C. Swaelens 2023, The Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams Project: Principles, Challenges, Opportunities, Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, On the Way to the Future of Digital Manuscript Studies, 1-41 Book chapter(s) As Author: K. Bentein, K. Demoen 2012, The Reader in Eleventh-Century Book Epigrams, in F. Bernard, K. Demoen (eds.), Poetry and its Contexts in Eleventh-century Byzantium, Farnham/Burlington, 69-88 Last modified: 2020-09-21. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.