PersonDirk Krausmüller Name Dirk Krausmüller Identification Article(s) As Author: D. Krausmüller 2006, Abbots and Monks in Eleventh-Century Stoudios: An Analysis of Rituals of Installation and Their Depictions in Illuminated Manuscripts, Revue des Études Byzantines, 64-65, 255-282 Book(s) As Author: C. Rapp, M. Kinloch, D. Krausmüller, E. Mitsiou, I. Nesseris, J. Preiser-Kapeller, G. Rossetto, R. Shukurov, G. Simeonov, 2023, Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook, Vienna Last modified: 2020-09-21. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.