PersonIda Toth Name Ida Toth Identification Book(s) As Editor: T. Shawcross, I. Toth (eds.), 2018, Reading in the Byzantine Empire and Beyond, Cambridge M. Lauxtermann, I. Toth (eds.), 2020, Inscribing Texts in Byzantium: Continuities and Transformations, Abingdon Book chapter(s) As Author: I. Toth 2014, Authorship and Authority in the Book of the Philosopher Syntipas, in A. Pizzone (ed.), The Author in Middle Byzantine Literature: Modes, Functions, and Identities, Boston / Berlin, 87-102 I. Toth 2018, Introduction II. Modern Encounters with Byzantine Texts and their Reading Publics, in T. Shawcross, I. Toth (eds.), Reading in the Byzantine Empire and Beyond, Cambridge, 37-50 Last modified: 2020-09-21. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.