Sophronios (15th c.)

Name Sophronios
Date 15th c.
Attested dates and intervals 1431
Identification PLP, XI.27365
As Scribe:
SINAI - Mone tes Hagias Aikaterines - gr. 1607 [1431]
As Scribe:
Bibliography Pinakes (Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes) (last accessed: 2018-02-18).
Comment According to Pinakes, the scribe is another Sophronios: Sophronios, DBBE person 970 (Pinakes person 1905), but DBBE person 970's RGK identification, neither his VGH identifications, nor Politis (1958: 268-269) mention the Sinai gr. 1607 manuscript as written by him.
Last modified: 2021-08-26.