SINAI - Mone tes Hagias Aikaterines - gr. 302

Content Theologica   > Theophylaktos   (person page)
Date 1306
Bibliography V. Beneševič, 1911, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum graecorum qui in monasterio Sanctae Catharinae in monte asservantur. Codices manuscripti notabiliores bibliothecae monasterii Sinaitici ejusque metochii Cahirensis, ab archimandrita Porphyrio (Uspenskio) descripti (vol. 1), Saint-Petersburg: 219
Identification Diktyon (Pinakes), 58677
Occurrences f. 2r [32932] νέαν | ἐδὲμ | νόμι|ζε τήν|δε τ(ὴν) | βίβλον [1306]

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Last modified: 2021-03-15.