ManuscriptCHICAGO - Jesuit-Krauss-McCormick Library - Gruber 152 Content Biblica > Novum Testamentum > Acta Apostolorum Biblica > Novum Testamentum > Apocalypsis Biblica > Novum Testamentum > Epistulae catholicae Biblica > Novum Testamentum > Evangeliarium Biblica > Novum Testamentum > Paul (apostle, saint) (person page) > Epistulae Theologica > John Chrysostom (saint) (person page) Person(s) Scribe Sabbas (9th c.) - VGH: 395.F - PMBZ: 29092: "Personenkennziffer: 26938" (monachos) Date 951-1000 Origin the Monastery of Stoudios < Konstantinoupolis < Turkey Bibliography N. Kavrus-Hoffmann 2015, Catalogue of Greek Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Collections of the United States of America Part IX: Chicago, Illinois, The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, The Jesuit-Kraus-McCormick Library, Manuscripta, 59, 61-139: 117-131 Identification Diktyon (Pinakes), 12966 Occurrences f. 7r [31001] ματθαίου | τόδε ἔρ|γον ἀρι|στοπόνοιο | τελώνου [951-1000] f. 7r [24057] Ματθαίου τόδε ἔργον ἀριστοπόνοιο τελώνου [951-1000] f. 55v [24058] ὅσα περὶ | χριστοιο | θεηγό|ρος ἔθνε|α πέτρος [951-1000] Acknowledgements Creator(s) Maria Tomadaki Contributor(s) Maria Tomadaki The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete. Last modified: 2020-09-04. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.