Content |
Novum Testamentum
Person(s) |
- Patron
Nikephoros Moschopoulos (13th-14th c.) - RGK: I.303, II.98, II.417, III.492 - VGH: 88.A, 340.E - PLP: VII.19376 (metropolites of Crete < Greece)
- Scribe
Nikephoros Moschopoulos (13th-14th c.) - RGK: I.303, II.98, II.417, III.492 - VGH: 88.A, 340.E - PLP: VII.19376 (metropolites of Crete < Greece)
Date |
1303 |
Origin |
Konstantinoupolis < Turkey |
Bibliography |
F. Euangelatou-Notara, 2000, Χορηγοί-κτήτορες-δωρητές σε σημειώματα κωδίκων. Παλαιολόγειοι χρόνοι, Athens: 206-207
M. Kamil, 1970, Catalogue of all manuscripts in the Monastery of St. Catharine on Mount Sinai, Wiesbaden: 70
M. Manousakas 1957, Νικηφόρου Μοσχοπούλου ἐπιγράμματα σὲ χειρόγραφα τῆς βιβλιοθήκης του, Ελληνικά, 15, 232-246: 233-234
A. Rhoby, 2018, Ausgewählte Byzantinische Epigramme in Illuminierten Handschriften, Wien: 80-82
A. Weyl Carr 1991, Thoughts on the production of provincial illuminated books in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, in G. Cavallo, G. De Gregorio, M. Maniaci (eds.), Scritture, libri e testi nelle aree provinciali di Bisanzio. Atti del Seminario di Erice (18-25 settembre 1988) (vol. 2), Spoleto, 661-688: 682 n. 54
Identification |
Diktyon (Pinakes), 58581
Comment |
Content: 'Gospels divided according to Greek Calendar' (Kamil 1970: 70).
Produced in Constantinople (Weyl Carr 1991: 682 n. 54). |
Occurrences |
Acknowledgements |
The credits system has been implemented in 2019. Credits from before the new system was in use might be incomplete.