LONDON - Meerman 117

Content Biblica   > Novum Testamentum   > Evangeliarium  
Date 11th c.
Comment This manuscript is lost. It used to be known as Cod. Claromontanus 54 (Follieri 1997: 295) and is mentioned as such by De Montfaucon ('in Bibliotheca RR. PP. Jesuitarum Collegii Ludovici Magni ... [codex] Evangeliorum' (1708: 25)). See also Hörandner (1990: 21): 'einer alten Evangelienhandschrift des Jesuitenkollegs von Clermont'.
Occurrences [17359] Εύαγγελιστῶν θεία πυκτὶς τεττάρων [11th c.]

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Last modified: 2016-09-23.