ATHOS - Mone Iberon 39

Content Biblica   > Novum Testamentum   > Acta Apostolorum  
Date 13th-14th c.
Bibliography P. Sotiroudis, 1998, Ἱερὰ Μονὴ Ἰβήρων. Κατάλογος ἑλληνικῶν χειρογράφων. 1-100 (vol. 1), Athos: 74-75
Identification Diktyon (Pinakes), 23636
Occurrences f. 216v [18189] ἰ(ησο)ῦ ἡγοῦ τ(ῶν) ἐμ(ῶν) πο(νη)μάτ(ων) [13th-14th c.]

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Last modified: 2015-07-28.