PARIS - Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BNF) - gr. 375

Elias Spelaiotes (11th c.) - RGK: II.158 - VGH: 128.D - PMBZ: 23826: "Personenkennziffer: 21673" (monachos, presbyteros)
Date 1021
Origin Southern Italy < Italy
Identification Diktyon (Pinakes), 49948
Comment On f. 193r there is an indication of where the manuscript was possibly written, following after the date: ἐν χόρᾳ Φραγκίας κάστρῳ δὲ Κολονίας.
According to Lake (1935: 12) this note is a later addition. The manuscript was most probably written in Southern Italy (see Leroy (1982: 205 n. 24) about peculiar ornamental motifs).

Devreesse (1955: 33 n. 9) hypothesises that either the manuscript was written by an Italo-Greek monk emigrated to Cologne, or that Φραγκία actually refers to France and κάστρο Κολονίας to "the columns" (Stilo or Capo Colonna, in Calabria). Both Devreesse and Berschin (1980: 57 n. 68) draws attention to the fact that the manuscript was in St. Denis already in the Middle Ages.

Altripp (2012: 362) includes Par. gr. 375 in a list of witnesses of the Byzantine presence in Western Europe.

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Last modified: 2020-09-24.