Book Female Founders in Byzantium and Beyond Person(s) Editor Margaret Mullett Michael Grünbart Lioba Theis Galina Fingarova Matthew Savage Year 2014 City Böhlau External links Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage eLibrary Vassis abbreviation Series Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte Series volume 60-61 Chapters E. Jeffreys 2014, The sebastokratorissa Irene as Patron, in M. Mullett, M. Grünbart, L. Theis, G. Fingarova, M. Savage (eds.), Female Founders in Byzantium and Beyond, Böhlau, 177-194 A. Talbot 2014, Female Patronage in the Palaiologan Era: Icons , Minor Arts and Manuscripts, in M. Mullett, M. Grünbart, L. Theis, G. Fingarova, M. Savage (eds.), Female Founders in Byzantium and Beyond, Böhlau, 259-274 A. Riehle 2014, Καί σε προστάτιν ἐν αὐτοῖς τῆς αὐτῶν ἐπιγράψομεν σωτηρίας: Theodora Raulaina als Stifterin und Patronin, in M. Mullett, M. Grünbart, L. Theis, G. Fingarova, M. Savage (eds.), Female Founders in Byzantium and Beyond, Böhlau, 299-316 Last modified: 2021-10-05. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.