Excerptorum Constantini de natura animalium libri duo
Aristophanis historiae animalium epitome
Person(s) |
Year | 1885 |
City | Berlin |
Volume | 1 |
Total volumes | 2 |
Other volumes | See Excerptorum Constantini de natura animalium libri duo |
Vassis abbreviation | LEC |
Series | Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, Suppl. |
Series volume | 1 |
Occurrence(s) | [23003] Ἡώ(ων) ἔθη νομάς τε καὶ φύσεις ἅμα (bibliography) |
Type(s) | [5719] Ζῴων ἔθη νομάς τε καὶ φύσεις ἅμα (bibliography) |
Comment | Volume of the series: 1.1. |
Last modified: 2020-09-08.